She-Ra was flowing down the winding boardwalk of Venice Beach, California on a hot sun shiny day. She was as carefree as the seagulls that gently circled the top of the sails of the boats docked at the nearby marinas. The warm gentle breeze was blowing over her skin as her body soaked up the healing rays of the sun. Her sunglasses appeared black on the outside but her vision was as clear as crystals from behind her designer sunglasses. While walking, she gazed at the picture perfect day as it stretched out in front of her. Her footsteps were erratic as her feet deliberately avoided the myriad of small shellfish that dotted the sand on the curving cement path on the beach as the sound of the gently crashing waves of the ocean in the distance roared.

She-Ra felt happy, fulfilled, light-headed and totally satisfied all at the same time. She-Ra could only feel the cool sand massaging your feet and the ocean spray breezing across her face ever so occasionally until…

That was the hours of her day until she saw ‘HIM’. Yes, he was the man of her dreams – an exceptional looking person. Narcissus was just the way she had pictured him – but even more strikingly beautiful in her eyes. He was tall, commanding, with long flowing hair and a flawless body with skin smooth as silk glistening as it covered his rippled muscles. He said he was an entrepreneur. His quiet voice sounded just right and made her heart palpitate whenever he spoke to her when she was in his presence. And, oh, the way his eyes washed over her body seemingly sucking her heart out of her chest as they commensurated on everything.

Over the summer, the couple were inseparable. She-Ra had never known so much love, laughter and joy in her life. It was perfection. They couldn’t have written it better in a romance novel.

Then one day, seemingly out of the blue, suddenly without warning, the constant presence of Narcissus in She-Ra’s life stopped. Her partner was gone. He’d disappeared. It’s been 3 days. She-Ra couldn’t believe the change. She immediately called her reader and advisor stammering: What’s happening? Will we get back together? When is he going to call? Is it over? Is he OK? Why is he ‘missing in action now???’ There had been no fight, no argument that she could recall or was aware of!

I digress briefly as a reader and advisor. This story is about so many readings I’ve gotten around years end. The issue is: So after that great beginning, why do so many call me with broken hearts in the fall or winter? The cycle seems consistent. Was She-Ra addicted to love? What was Narcissus? Well, the relationship didn’t start with moderate actions and emotions between the newly beloved. Back to our story:

While She-Ra and the beautiful male Narcissus were gazing into each other’s’ eyes all summer, little known to She-Ra was a man called Amen-Ra. Amen-Ra was very attracted to She-Ra’s energy and was enamored of her beauty. He had been for a long time. He could she was a woman of grace, intelligence and beauty. Amen-Ra hung out regularly at the beach at a restaurant that was on her usual route and had been watching her for months. Now his life was open and he was ready for a serious relationship and he thought She-Ra would be great for him. Amen-Ra tried and tried and tried to get She-Ra’s attention but to no avail. There was no one for She-Ra but Narcissus.
Sadly, finally Amen Ra gave up and by and by, he met a lovely woman named Temperance. Her beauty was earthy and her heart and mind plain – filled only with

dreams of peace, love, joy, happiness, empathy and compassion. The two soon fell in love that summer and by the following spring they were married. They bought a house, had children, grandchildren and great great grandchildren. Amen-Ra’s sadness had turned to joy and Temperance’s loneliness was now filled with happiness and the protection and fulfillment of the family she and Amen-Ra had created.
Meanwhile, She-Ra and Narcissus’ mutual attraction was fading. By September,

Narcissus was hard to find. By November, it seemed he had gone for good. Five
“It’s been months and not a word.”
Yes. But what was ‘it’ that was over.

She-Ra never again was to remember those carefree days on the beach walking alone before she met Narcissus after it ended. He’d robbed her of her peace. She was addicted to love. It was too intense, too fast, too much, too short. In essence, ‘red flags’ for lovers.

Her reader and advisor continued: “You don’t want the Lovers card. ‘Romeo & Juliet’s’ relationship is symbolic of the relationship depicted in the Lovers card because it was all desire and therefore a miserable ending. Mis-understandings, mis-communications, missed opportunities for joy and happiness. Didn’t turn out too well for them with all that in the mix did it?”
Today, while Temperance celebrates her 50th wedding anniversary with Amen-Ra, She-Ra is still waiting for her Narcissus to come back. Sure, she’s had other lovers as the decades have passed but there has never been anyone who could touch her like Narcissus did. As for Narcissus, he is still meeting various lovers and making exciting connections on Venice beach, resting in his own admiration for himself.

Temperance and Amen-Ra

I Ching Oracle Hexagram 32
Those looking for summer love on the other hand, should ask for a relationship that can end up with the two of you in ‘his’ and ‘hers’ rocking chairs on the porch that surrounds the house that is the family legacy.

Hexagram 32 (Duration) symbolized the marriage of constancy – a dynasty of love and temperance in all things. Consistency from beginning to end is the reading you want to ask for as opposed to the common question do they see any ‘love’ coming up in your life. Be sure to choose carefully.
Zeenna Lillie Pearl
Lovers /Temperance/ 3 of Swords
I Ching – Hexagram 32 / Duration
The Ocean, The Beach and a Lake