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There's something in the air.
What is it?
Save yourself.
Heartbreak frustration and suffering no longer have to be in your life with clarity.
How are you really?
I know you have had problems in the past but why don't we take the opportunity to change all that for you now.
All questions can be answered.
if you're ready it is the time for you to take part in all of your blessings.
The universe wants you to be happy and stop suffering.
Let me channel a direct answer for you in terms of what they have provided for you to stop suffering now
and guarantee you a happy furture.
It may not be just about anything you thing it is about so just let me know.
I'm here for you.
I hope we can talk soon.
It's up to you to save yourself. Anybody suffering is just food for the devil, food for the dark forces, food for evil. That's all suffering is. it doesn't do any good. if you're suffering the Absolute, the highest positive energy in existence, has a way out and there are some of us who can give you the answer. If you want to be one of us it's fasting, meditation, learning all philosophies, practice, and being tough on yourself. But if you just want to get through a few problems every day, come get a reading with me.
10 Reasons To Get a Reading.
Contacting ancestors, relationship advice, attract a lover, more money, reveal hidden secrets, expose hidden motives and agendas at work, career guidance, change your life, end bad luck, get married.
Get married
A lot of people want to get married but they 're not ready to get married. They want to marry John Jason, George, or Sean. That's not wanting to get married, that's wanting to capture John, Jason, George, or Sean. Getting married is finding the right person for you and that reading can be done using astrology to determine who is the best match for the long term. I heard something the other day which I think is true. They say that arranged marriages usually work because they have the support of the family (I do a lot of Eastern study) but with people who fall in love, it usually fizzles out in less than 7 years, especially when the kids come because they're no longer into themselves they have to be into the kids. So getting married is work. its like a job. You have to search high and low. You have to go out there. He's not going to come knock on your door. Women say "I'm tired of dating!" That's because you're not dating correctly. Dating should lift you up. It's educational. It's like a job. It's like saying "I want to be a doctor but I don't want to go to school. I just want to go to the operating room and get paid." Getting married is work. It's worth it, but we can talk about that for those who are interested in that, and then there's staying married. Sometimes you should, sometimes you shouldn't.
End bad luck
Bad luck is merely something you bring on yourself if it's constant. You don't bring it on yourself initially but if you keep having bad luck that's where a reading comes in we can find out what is the problem, and a reading can do that and for every one question you ask I have 1,000 answers just using I-Ching, tarot cards, numerology, astrology. I have many many places I can go for answers if we spend some time on it, more than 5 minutes. I cannot change your life in 5 minutes.
Career guidance
Very important/ I've had some tremendous positivity with career guidance. Everyone was born with a destiny and a career that they should be in. I have a client right now she said " How come I can't get a promotion? How come I'm not winning awards? How come things aren't going well? How come they're trying to fire me? How come my boss doesn't like me?" and in the reading I looked up her astrology. Her astrology said she's supposed to be an entrepreneur. She can not beat anybody who was born to be working a job and supported if you're supposed to be an entrepreneur. You're never going to fit in and you're never going to beat out someone who is supposed to be working a job. If you're supposed to be an entrepreneur then you cannot fail because that was your destiny. That's another way you can get clarity about what is happening in your life.
Expose hidden motives and agendas at work
I love that one because when you know when you go to a job and they have everyone's birthday on the door, all I have to do is check out their astrology and I know who I'm dealing with. I can look about people and see things with birthdates.
Also, if you just go to the Oracle and let your guardian angels and spirit guides talk to you without asking a question without focusing on Sally when you should be focusing on Sue, without focusing on getting a promotion when you should be saving money to start your own business. See, that is the clarity you need. There's a lot of hidden motives a lot of agendas. You need to know them. They'll come out in a reading, tarot cards is great for that as well.
Reveal hidden secrets
Same thing, everything I just said. Tarot cards is good for that as well and sometimes I recommend that you reveal a hidden secret about yourself. A lot of people have problems because they don't know themselves. They keep knocking their head against the wall when the door is two feet to the left. I can do a whole workup on you and you can compare it and focus on what you know to be true and discuss what is not right and adjust it but it takes time though, it takes more than 5 minutes. It takes 15 to 20 minutes to do do these things but they'll CHANGE YOUR LIFE.
More Money
I think covered that with getting a job but then there's of course income. One thing with astrology and tarot cards there's many many ways to get money so when people come into the chat room and say they don't have any money I just say "go spend your time getting some money, because you certainly shouldn't be here, if you don't have enough money to pay for a reading." There are many many many many ways to get money and once you start making money there are ways to keep money and again it might be a personality change, it might be a location change, it might be a job change, it might be a career change, but the important thing is there is nothing new under the sun just like it says in the Bible and most of the changes are minor but you just need to know what minor change you need to make to make your money. I love financial readings.
Attracting a lover
That's just living in the light, staying positive, working with me about everything that is negative and lets show how we can turn hate to love you don't want to make someone who hates you love you but what you do want to do is get away from people who hate you and get into circles of people who love you. It works more like that and it's good for me to remind you.
Relationship advice
If its off and on its off. Sometimes I've seen where "maybe you shouldn't marry this guy cause you can end up going to jail for him because he has a past you don't know about and he's a criminal. These things do come up. Or if you want to marry him this is what you're going to be dealing with and do you want to deal with that and is that what's best for you and really will it work out and finally
Contacting the ancestors
personally my clients got me into that. I didn't know I could do it. I tried and actually... yeah cause there are spirits all around us and there is nothing more comforting then getting a message from a dearly departed or a loved one who had passed. I personally, my grandmother died 20 years ago, and I call on her for advice. You can get direct advice from God, which is why I do oracle readings because I don't want to just take when I get every Sunday mornings I want to know this now and your ancestors are you deceased loved ones and you can ask them questions. They always have a message for you and that is something I love to do cause it is very comforting. I'll just close and say I contacted an ancestor for this guy and I swear I never felt so much love. Oh my God I was like "WOW. No wonder you want to know if you're going to meet him in the next life and we went on to find out how they could make sure they hooked up."
So those are my reasons and my opinion why you should get a reading.
Most of all remember
The Absolute does not want you to suffer and for every one problem you have I have access to over 1000 answers for you and we'll keep going til we find the right one

...Concise and spot on
Zeenna Lillie Pearl was concise and spot on. She got right to the heart of the matter right away and told me things that would enable me to breakthrough my deadlock.

She really knows her stuff
Because of my reading with Zeenna Lillie Pearl, I got married to a man I had thought I lost. She really knows her stuff!

Because of her, I had a heart healing...
Zeenna Lillie Pearl channeled my dear loved one who had recently departed 4 months earlier. Because of her, I had a heart healing that I didn't think was possible after her message from him to me.

Best ever
I got more from this Acting 4 Reel People Video Workshop in 3 hours than I got in 8 months of therapy!!!